A few weeks ago, we finally had a sunny Saturday and I decided to call a friend of mine, and to go with her to Candia Canavese, a small village not far from Torino. There is a nice lake there, and I wanted to take some pictures at sunset time.
After about 40 minutes of train, and a nice walk, we finally got to a place on the lake which offered a nice view, an interesting subject, and it was also the right time of the day.
I set my tripod and framed to get an interesting composition. For shooting, at first I wanted to take a long exposure shot; so I mounted an ND1000 filter, calculated the exposure time, pushed the trigger and waited.
Unfortunately, while the boat looked rather still, it was actually slowly moving, which caused the image to be too much blurred.
For this reason, I decided to remove the fiter, and to go for a shorter exposure time, long enough to blur the water, but not enough to let the boat move. 1/2s looked to be perfect, when closing at f/16. On a FF, this aperture is closed enough to grant for a very long focus depth, still without introducing diffraction problems which would then affect the image definition. Also, shooting at ISO100 granted for a low noise image.
In post processing, I then corrected the exposure, and applied some local curves, I increased the saturation in some zones, and applied some final sharpening.
The result is the image in this post.
The dock and the boat, with their blue, cold dominant, are a good subject for foreground. Their lines lead to the hills in the background. Here, the sight is lead to left, were the warm sunset colours give a sense of calm and peace.
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